Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions

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I made an incorrect entry when ordering. Can I change something later?

Please send us a short message with the data that should be adjusted as soon as possible via our contact form.

As long as the order has not yet been shipped, changes can be made without any problem.

Can I wear pesos while swimming or showering?

Yes! The Pesos Smart Ring is waterproof and robust and can be safely worn in water.

Does it matter which finger I wear pesos on?

No. It doesn't matter which finger you choose.

Kann ich meine Bestellung kostenfrei zurücksenden?

Ja. Nach Erhalt deiner Ware, hast du 14 Tage lang Zeit, diese ungetragen an uns zurückzusenden. Weitere Infos findest du unter "Umtausch | Rückgabe"

We couldn't answer your question?

Then just write us a WhatsApp message or send us your question via the contact form.